"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Confucius

Final update on the 92-105 day early corn early plot. It was planted on April 10, not so early for what we normally call early, but early for this year. We applied 30-40 lb of Urea with ammonium sulfate for 15 lb of sulfur pre plant and worked it in. Later we top dressed 150 lb of treated Urea at around V5 plant stage. No further N was applied. It seemed with the flat ground and swampy conditions that we lost nitrogen and the corn did not have the full color of green in last part of grain fill. A fungicide app was made around brown silk. Between deer, wind, and nitrogen deficiencies this plot has had a rugged go. This seems like more real world conditions for an ECE plot anyways. This will be interesting to see how it pans out.
The following ratings will be on grain quality: kernel set, color, and dent (1 is straight, orange, no dent 5 is crooked, pastel, deep dent)
Hybrid Ratings Comments
4292V2P 3.5 big ear
4323VZ 2.5 little dent, great color
4636V2P 2.5 good color, nice kernels
4971AM 3 ave color
5077V2P 2 straight, good color, ave dent, filled out big ear
5113AM 2 straight, good color, less dent, filled out big ear
5313AM 1.5 great color, little dent, filled out big showy ear
5140HR 3 straight, ave color, little dent yet